Welcome to Shenyang Huaguang Precision Instrument!
Manufacturers of atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Company Overview


National customer service telephone number: 400-024-3398

Contact: Ms. Wu

Mobile phone: 15940520719 13804901037


024 - 22526091

024 - 22515162

024 - 22515165

Fax: 024 - 22524338

E-mail: 13804901037@139.com

Address: No. A, No. 51 Youth Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang, Liaoning.

Address: 2 floor, block A, Changbai Electronics Industrial Park, 10-5 Chong Shan West Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, Liaoning.

Website: www.syhgjm.com


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