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Most elements of atomic absorption spectrometer can reach ppm level sensitivity.

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Most elements of atomic absorption spectrometer can reach ppm level sensitivity.

date:2017-08-16 author: click:

Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), an accessory of atomic absorption spectrometer, can quickly become a powerful weapon in analytical laboratories in just over 30 years, because of its incomparable advantages in many analytical methods.

High sensitivity

With flame atomization, the sensitivity of most elements can reach ppm level, and a few elements can reach ppb level. If atomized by high temperature graphite furnace, the absolute sensitivity can reach 10-10-10-14 g. Therefore, AAS is very suitable for trace metal analysis.

2. Good selectivity.

Because the atomic absorption line is much less than the atomic emission line, the method has less spectral interference. In addition, the hollow cathode lamp made of elements is used as the sharp light source. The spectrum of the light source is relatively pure, so it is not easy to produce background emission interference at the resonance line wavelength of the element measured in the sample solution.

3. Easy and fast operation.

Atomic absorption spectrometry is very similar to spectrophotometry, and its instrument structure and principle are similar. Therefore, it is very convenient for people who have been engaged in chemical analysis for a long time to use atomic absorption spectrometry, and the speed of flame atomic absorption analysis is also faster.

Strong anti-interference ability.

The Boltzmann equation shows that the fluctuation of flame temperature has a great influence on the spectral line intensity of emission spectrum, but a much smaller influence on atomic absorption spectrometry.

Good accuracy.

The characteristic lines emitted by hollow cathode lamps are absorbed only by their specific elements. Therefore, the accuracy of AAS is high, and the relative error of FAAS is generally 0.1? / FONT > 0.5%.

Determination of elements

In principle, atomic absorption spectrometry can directly determine all the metal elements in nature. In flame atomization, more than 30 elements are used, and more than 70 elements are used.

Atomic absorption spectrometer accessories

Atomic absorption spectrometer accessories


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